| 1. | We keep trying to put the jigsaw puzzle together . 我们继续尝试这种拼图游戏。
| 2. | They can be fitted back together as though they were pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle . 但每一堆碎块好像巨大的积木板一样可以很好地拼在一起。
| 3. | After buying a new chain i was faced with the insurmountable task of putting the confusing jigsaw puzzle together again . 我买来新链条后,就面临着一项难以完成的任务:如何把那些令人头昏脑胀的“七巧板”重新拼装好。
| 4. | Jigsaw puzzles are a good brain exercise 拼图是很好的脑力训练游戏。
| 5. | Hobbies : dancing , singing , window - shopping , piecing jigsaw puzzles 嗜好:跳舞唱歌行街玩拼图
| 6. | Snake soko tetris jigsaw puzzle 贪食蛇仓库番俄罗斯方块拼图
| 7. | John brown : what about jigsaw puzzle design for visually handicapped 为视觉障碍设计的七巧板游戏怎么样?
| 8. | Cardboard jigsaw puzzle presswork 纸板拼图印刷品
| 9. | Listing 8 shows the final piece of this jigsaw puzzle - the implementation of the 清单8显示了这个示例的最后一部分
| 10. | L ' m like a jigsaw puzzle 我就象个拼图玩具